Braver Angels National Debate: Voting in America

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Craig Engle, the leader of Arent Fox’s Political Law group, participated in a national debate on May 25, 2021, about whether Congress should pass H.R. 1.

Craig was assigned the lead role in presenting arguments against passage of H.R. 1, which is a sweeping set of federal election reforms to US voting policies, redistricting, and campaign finance. On the panel with Craig was a roster of seven other speakers, which included current and former Members of Congress, journalists, and political commentators. In addition to his presentation, Craig was able to question other panelists and fielded questions from the 500-member audience.

The event was hosted by Braver Angels, a nonprofit organization that brings liberals, conservatives, and others together at the grassroots level to promote understanding of differing viewpoints through workshops, debates, and campus engagement.


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