“Estate Planning for the Family Business Owner 2023”

American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education (ALI CLE)
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Kevin Matz will speak at the American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education’s virtual conference on October 6, 2023.

In a session titled “FLPs and FLLCs: Soup to Nuts and the Current State” Kevin Matz and his co-presenter will provide a review of the evolution of FLPs going back decades and the historical challenges to FLPs.  The evolution of Sections 2036 challenges, the importance of the bona fide sale exception, “decontrol” considerations, and best practices for “stress testing” existing FLPs and potential fortification measures will also be discussed.

This national virtual event will blend business and succession planning guidance for family businesses, and panels will share high-level insights and perspectives on the latest tax and non-tax issues facing family businesses.


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