Navigating Political Uncertainty for Nonprofits

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Join former Senator Byron Dorgan and former Congressman Philip S. English in a discussion moderated by Government Relations Practice Co-Leader Jon Bouker on how the shift in government will affect nonprofit organizations.

With the upcoming U.S. presidential inauguration, every nonprofit organization has the same question in mind: How will the shift in government affect my organization?

The nonprofit leaders of BDO, Arent Fox, and PNC invite you to a bipartisan panel discussion with a former Republican Congressman and Democratic Senator who will share their expertise in navigating the political uncertainty that occurs during a new administration. During this discussion, attendees will gain insight on:

  • How the new administration’s policies could affect the nonprofit industry.
  • What the new Congress will mean to the nonprofit industry.
  • How federal legislation and regulations affect the nonprofit industry.

* 1.0 CPE credit is available in the Specialized Knowledge category

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