Post-Death Administration of Trusts & Estates

Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICLE)
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Fredrick Weber and Christopher Floss will present at the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education’s live webcast on September 11, 2023.

Fred’s session, “Who You Gonna Call? Communication with Beneficiaries and other Interested Parties in Post-Death Administration,” will illustrate how communication with clients not only helps to avoid malpractice complaints, but it is an essential element of estate administration.  Fred will address what it takes to administer an estate and how to maintain open lines of communication to ensure the process goes smoothly, and clients better understand duties and critical timeframes. 

Chris’ session, “Real Property, Closely Held Business Interests and Special Assets,” will discuss how real property, closely-held business interests, and the evolving class of “special assets” (such as cryptocurrency and other digital assets) often involve unique post-death administration issues. Chris will explore the unique nature of each of these asset classes, the challenges related to the transfer of ownership of these assets at death, and best practices in administering these assets post-death. 


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