Barella Quoted on Illinois Salary History Ban on NPR's Morning Edition


Labor and Employment Practice Group Leader Derek Barella was quoted on a new Illinois law that amends the Illinois Equal Pay Act of 2003 to bar employers from inquiring into a job applicant’s salary history.

In addition to banning salary history inquiries, Derek said employers are prohibited from precluding employees from talking with one another about their salaries.

“It puts the opportunity in [the employees] hands,” he said. “If they want to compare notes about what they’re making and they want to share that information with one another, they have the right to do that.”

Illinois joins a growing list of states to have enacted similar laws that apply to all employers state-wide. 

The story aired during NPR’s “Morning Edition” on September 30, 2019. 

To learn more about how this new law impacts employers, read the Employment Law Landscape post here.


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