Craig Engle Comments on Potential FEC Reversal of Same-Sex Campaign Contribution Rule

Arent Fox Political Law partner Craig Engle was mentioned in a Bloomberg BNA Daily Executive Report article about a potential reversal by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) of a ruling that restricts political financial contributions from same-sex couples.

Earlier this year, Craig represented Dan Winslow, a Massachusetts state representative who ran for the US Senate. Mr. Winslow requested an FEC advisory opinion on how much money gay couples could contribute to his political campaign. The FEC ruled that although opposite-sex married couples were able to use a single checking account to make campaign contributions without violating contribution limits, same-sex married couples were restricted from this practice under the authority of the Defense of Marriage Act’s (DOMA).

Bloomberg BNA reported that with the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down DOMA, the FEC could reverse its position at a commission meeting on July 25.

To read the Bloomberg BNA article, click here (subscription required). To read previous articles about Mr. Winslow, click here and here.


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