Eva Pulliam Speaks With Above the Law About the Center for Racial Equality’s Commitment To Change

Partner Eva Pulliam recently spoke with Above the Law’s The Jabot podcast about Arent Fox's Center for Racial Equality.

The interview touched on Arent Fox’s commitment to racial equality, focus on pro bono work, and how the Center was founded.

Eva emphasized that the new organization represents the entire Firm, noting “part of the Center’s focus was to ensure that the full Arent Fox family could go on this journey.”

When asked how Big Law should generally view the state of the country, she encouraged peers in our industry to continue to be involved in the fight for racial equality.

“We were unable to deny the fact that when we became lawyers we all gained an appreciation for the Constitution and that people are created equal. … If we are in Big Law and we have this knowledge and expertise, why not use that to really support justice and work to create an America that we all would feel more comfortable in and we all would appreciate.”

On a personal level, Eva stated that her “goal is to move the needle as far as we can push it.”

Listen to the Podcast


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