The release of the Mueller report is coming. How redacted will it be?

Los Angeles partner Terree Bowers recently was quoted in a CNN article titled, “The release of the Mueller report is coming. How redacted will it be?”.

The article was discussing how special counsel Robert Mueller’s almost 400-page findings and analysis of Russian interference in the 2016 election and alleged obstruction of justice by the President may have, as members of Congress fear, heavy redactions.

Referring to the length of the report, Terree said, “This isn’t an extreme number, but it’s a thorough one.” Terree went on to say that Mueller’s report is “long but it’s not inappropriate.” Terree then discussed how Mueller would use those pages to explain his cases against Russian attempts to infiltrate the election, as well as how he did not establish that the Trump campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russia. There’s likely to be thorough discussions of law, too, including both sides of the question of whether to charge the President with obstruction of justice. (Mueller ultimately didn’t decide on the obstruction question, leaving it to Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to make the call not to prosecute Trump for obstruction of justice). “As Ricky said to Lucy, ‘You’ve got some ‘splaining to do,’” Terree said about the Mueller report.

Click here to read the full article.


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