Advice for PPP Borrowers: How to Navigate the New Forgiveness Rules

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The Arent Fox Business Loan Task Force invites you to join our webinar to learn more about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), how to seek loan forgiveness, and the details of the newly passed guidance on loan forgiveness, resulting from the PPP Flexibility Act.

In recent weeks, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has released and re-released its PPP Forgiveness Application and rules in response to the passage of the PPP Flexibility Act. Join us as we discuss new guidance relating to:

  • Covered expenses for forgiveness;
  • Minimum required use of proceeds for payroll costs;
  • Options for selecting your applicable forgiveness period;
  • Extension of the loan repayment deferral and maturity periods; and
  • How to apply for loan forgiveness.

Our Business Loan Task Force will also discuss a number of current questions and issues facing PPP borrowers related to forgiveness and identify best-practices to promote compliance with available and anticipated regulations.

We are continuing to assist small and medium-sized businesses, including nonprofit organizations, to navigate the application and forgiveness process. This webinar will be an excellent forum for businesses making strategic decisions about the use of PPP loan proceeds, as well as those beginning to prepare their forgiveness applications.
