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Starting in April 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will begin to implement significant changes to the look and content of Medicare identification cards.
GPOs are implementing policies that encourage health care innovation and provide access to new products and technological breakthroughs.
In a ceremony hosted on March 15, 2018 in New York City, Arent Fox LLP was named Managing Intellectual Property’s Trademark Prosecution Firm of the Year for the Northeast region.
Partner Janet Johnson was quoted on the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent agreement to hear a case on a decades-old procedural takings issue. The matter surrounds a property owner’s struggle to file a claim in state or federal court alleging that the government has unconstitutionally taken value from her
A recent settlement announced by the US Department of Justice serves as a warning to pharmaceutical and device manufacturers that the government remains concerned about the provision of expensive meals to physicians and the impact such meals may have on a physician’s independent medical judgment.
Government regulators have struggled to keep pace with entrepreneurs as they launch new cryptocurrencies and trading platforms, resulting in largely unregulated virtual currency exchanges.
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that employers pay overtime based on an employee’s “regular rate” of pay.
Schiff Hardin is pleased to announce that Partner Joanne Faycurry is being recognized with the Mentor of the Year Award by the Women of Tomorrow Mentor & Scholarship Program.
Yesterday, March 8, 2018, President Trump formally announced and signed the proclamations to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports pursuant to Section 232 of the US Trade Expansion Act of 1962.
There’s no need to be alarmed, but that semi only being supervised, not driven, by a human.
A long time coming and after much anticipation and speculation, CMS is about to unveil an electronic reporting system in which manufacturers will report to CMS their quarterly ASP calculations.
On February 27, the Center for International Business & Human Rights at the University of Oklahoma College of Law held the inaugural meeting of its Advisory Board.
The Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor announced on March 6, 2018 that it will launch a new nationwide pilot program, the Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID) program, which is designed to facilitate resolution of potential overtime and minimum wage violations
In a 10-3 en banc decision with numerous concurring and dissenting opinions, the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently reversed its own precedent to hold, for the first time, that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 19
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the launch of the Prescription Interdiction & Litigation Task Force, which will use criminal and civil law enforcement tools to combat the nation’s opioid epidemic, specifically targeting drug manufacturers and distributors.
The German Federal Court of Justice upheld a finding that sporting goods company ASICS cannot prohibit its dealers from using online price comparison engines.
“Travel my way, take the highway” – lyrics Uber probably didn’t quote about their work in Arizona. For several months, Uber’s self-driving trucks have been carrying cargo on Arizona highways, according to a recent company statement.
Schiff Hardin LLP today announced the addition of leading energy lawyer Sarah A. W. Fitts as a partner in the New York office. Fitts represents global and U.S. clients in mergers and acquisitions, project finance, and restructurings with a focus on the energy sector.
Now that the President has made his determination on the tariffs to be applied as a result of the Section 232 investigations of certain imports of steel and aluminum products, boardrooms around the globe are pondering the short and long-term implications to their corporate bottom lines.
Arent Fox represented SunBridge Capital Management, LLC in its equity investment in La Jolla, California-based Silvergate Capital Corporation.
March 2, 2018
Please join Arent Fox in San Francisco for our annual Medical Staff Leaders and the Law Conference.
Schiff Hardin secured a probationary sentence for a former Amtrak official who pleaded guilty in October 2017 to steering business to his wife’s company and making false statements.
At the end of January 2018, the Trump Administration took two actions related to the Russia/Ukraine sanctions program under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act of 2017 (CAATSA), the law that President Trump signed on August 2, 2017.
A radical shift in public health policy forced NGOs and health organizations to make a choice: accept US family planning funds or secure alternative sources of funding.
This year, Arent Fox recognizes Partner Richard Webber and Associates Cesar Francia and Karen Van Essen for pro bono work that consistently goes above and beyond with comprehensive, long-term projects and deep dedication.