With COVID-19 vaccinations increasing, interest has grown in developing COVID-19 passports, digitized verification that the bearer has been fully inoculated against the virus. Last week, however, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued an Executive Order banning them in his state.
Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took a preliminary step toward requiring limits on some National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharges of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) into surface water.
Employers should ensure they have appropriate policies in place for properly handling confidential medical records.
As we explained in a previous alert, one of the lesser-known provisions of the March 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was a significant overhaul of the way that most OTC drugs are regulated in the United States.
Employers should be mindful of this new leave law understanding that they may not take any adverse action, discriminate, or retaliate against an employee for requesting leave to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Two recent antitrust decisions by federal courts offer cautionary tales for businesses and trade associations. The cases involve common antitrust trouble spots: complaints from customers, “bad emails,” and competitor boycotts through what may seem like legitimate trade association activity.
Hospitals everywhere in the United States should take note: CMS announced on March 26, 2020, that it is lifting its extended 30-day survey suspension for hospitals. Survey activity will now resume.
Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are digital assets that run on blockchain. The value of NFTs largely stems from the idea of scarcity.
Arent Fox’s Investigations Blog provides legal updates and analysis on key enforcement news for companies and executives in highly regulated industries. 
USTR is soliciting comments and has scheduled hearings regarding the potential imposition of Section 301 tariffs of up to 25% in response to the Digital Services Tax adopted by Austria, India, Italy, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
On March 31, 2021, President Biden presented an infrastructure spending plan coupled with a tax reform plan that seeks to raise corporate income taxes (the “American Jobs Plan” and the “Made in America Tax Plan”).
In an eagerly anticipated action, the Biden Administration announced yesterday the $2.25 trillion dollar “American Jobs Plan,” the first part of the Administration’s Build Back Better Plan. 
Biden’s Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad presents the agriculture sector with opportunities to have a voice in how the Administration meets its targets to reduce and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Today in Pittsburgh President Biden unveiled the first part of his Build Back Better plan, a $2.25 trillion dollar infrastructure plan titled the “American Jobs Plan.”
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently progressed its effort to stymie the aftermarket tuning of vehicles used for racing and competition in a complaint alleging that Gear Box Z violated the Clean Air Act by selling certain types of aftermarket software that modifies the engine cont
The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) became the first US financial regulator to issue climate-related guidance intended to require insurers to manage the complex financial risks of climate change.
Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, is the underlying technology on which cryptocurrencies are built
Two people discussing documents
In recent years, the emergency medical services (EMS) sector has assumed a more central role in health care delivery, including care in the home and, in some cases, emergency department visit prevention.
As we pass the three-year mark since the 25 percent duties on steel imports and the 10 percent duties on aluminum imports pursuant to Section 232 were first imposed by Presidential Proclamation 9705, legal challenges are proliferating and there is renewed legislative interest in Section 232 reform.
Carbon-reduction claims, such as “carbon neutral” and claims about lower “carbon footprints,” are proliferating in the marketplace.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021. One of the significant COVID-19 relief provisions in the bill includes a 100 percent COBRA premium subsidy so eligible individuals can continue getting health insurance for up to six months. The subsidy is available b